Tuesday, October 09, 2001

What I've come to realise

What I've come to realise 10/9/2001
is that I do not rise up to the big occassion. I prefer to stay in a comfort zone where everyone is appeased. unlike some other teachers that I've come to respect tremendously, who will put their credibility and professionalism on the line, I retreat and tend to mark out a space of nonchalance when it comes to these decision making meetings. It's not so much that I've afraid of what people will think but that I run to the BIG picture too quickly. I move out and start thinking "what's the point anyway" almost by reflex and tend to think it's better for some things to take their own course. I guess I merely make in-roads in small ways. Surely, I am not one of bold proclamation.

Did some autographs for people that asked today. Came upone the idea of photocopying some of the stuff I own in order to leave them with an image of me "imprinted". I think it was quite cool, especially when I did the ELEPHANT at my desk. Then in a moment of inspiration I started thinking body parts. Managed to do a pretty decent hand but had to perfect photocopying my face.

This one required skill. First - had to do it when NO ONE ELSE was around in the TRC. Second - had to enlist the help of a like-minded individual to press the PRINT button for me. Was going to do it (with the help of partner in crime Miss OTC) when more important teacher walked in. So had to hang around and pretend I was entering marks or something. Finally did it and was quite pleased with the results. The first ones didn't work very well because I closed my eyes too tightly I think. But the subsequent ones were quite cool - they look like I'm drifting in an endless sleep. Anyway - re-photocopied them for clearer effects and contrast.

I hope no one gets grossed out by the number of blackheads on my face.