Sunday, October 21, 2001

Language Slips 2

This poem was written after a long staff meeting with the old man holding forth on why the school cannot "take a break" and must keep working "much more harder". While this is a common langauge slip, the idea of the poem is that the wrong word used actually points at a very narrow way of perceiving success.

"We must work much
more harder so that
we can maintain our
hard harder ...
is there any word
to stand between -er
and -est?
What began as a cynical sneer
at the old man's remarks
transformed itself into a query
good, better, more better
much more better
we learnt -est as a destination
it meant you had finished
and could start a
new series of chants:
small, smaller, smallest
big, bigger, biggest
soft, softer, softest
later, made aware of the
frailties of a small
we learnt
-est as a destination
that secured survival :
"ours is the busiest port in the world"
"ours is the cleanest & greenest in SouthEastAsia..."
then creeps in,
via anxiety filled analogy
"what if you can't be the best?"
"more better" fills the void
then it becomes strategy:
in a world of misused expressions
why not make some of them useful?
after all
"good better best
never let it rest
let your good be better
and your better best"
if -est is a state of completion
we have no place for it.
So we dream of our more brighter
marvel at our more taller skyscrapers and laugh at more
funnier sitcoms.
We pray a blessing against the curse of contentment:
"Consumatum est?*"

* - Latin for the words of Christ on the cross " It is finished" - probably can't put it into a question - but i claim poetic licence.

The poem works through a slip. It also weaves together fragments of memory. I remember the Productivity campaign of the early 80s with Teamy the Bee. Why did a campaign aimed at the adult workforce have such a ridiculous "good better best" song? Why did it have a Bee mascot? Was it really meant for more than just the workforce, was it to generate a sense of continuous achievement in even the young. The poem pretends that the policy of misusing language is deliberate: poking fun at how common the language slip is and the fact that pragmatic Singapore lets it go by unnoticed.

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