Tuesday, August 03, 2004

On This Day

I taught two new classes. J one classes whose teacher has just given birth - standing in teacher. I wonder about the whole thing. It's been several years teaching but I think there is something infinitely testing and challenging about having to do a lesson with a new bunch of faces. Anyway -- did a pretty run-o-the-mill video lesson -- nothing sparkly or flashy.

I really feel like I'm never going to leave cleanly. I've just got too much that isn't moving. I've still got holiday marking to do -- yes -- stuff from JUNE, a J one Comprehension, Testimonial to write (those are moving, thank goodness) and a Compre to set for the Prelims. In my time of dying, I will be found with a Red Pen in hand muttering. "Truth ... truth ..."

Wish I could put away most of this and start concentrating on saying goodbye. I suppose the rush of things that I am doing means that I won't really realise that I'm going to miss faces, places and bodies -- until I'm gone. Which, perhaps, isn't too bad after all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahaha the truth thing is really funny.
Wah lao we'll miss you when you're gone. Make sure you update frequently at least so that I'll have some little amount of intellectual reading at least while I 'serve' (sounds almost pleasant, doesn't it) my ns.