Ok so my fashion ambition in life is to have long wavy hair and to look good with it. Of course, I've been disuaded constantly by just about every family member, the people I work with (in varying intensities) and just about everyone else who has an opinion on the matter. The nicest thing anyone has said about my attempts to keep my hair long: "Just do what you want ... as long as you're happy ... " Hey! It's not about being happy -- it's about looking nice. Then again, many hold the opinion that with the face that I've got, there isn't much that can be done to improve the dire situation.
Anyway the long hair look isn't supposed to end me up looking like one of those Taiwan Boy Band boys ... it's supposed to be "Eric Clapton in the early 90s" -- or "Nick Drake before he comitted suicide" ... pictured here:
So I asked Ms Tan -- late last night -- ok honestly -- do you ever think I'll look like that. She kinda laughed and said something about my face not having the bone structure -- ok so it's all in the face. To sort of verify this, I decided to have a look myself:
(shoot -- there's that double chin flopping around as well ...)
Well -- I suppose most people are right about that. Instead of the high cheekbones and cleft chin, I've got a somewhat mooney face. Add my normal stuporic look -- I guess the long hair just says, "drug addict", "unkempt" or "potential terrorist".
So I decided to give in -- against my better instincts -- and get a hair cut. This I did after collecting my new IC. Yes turning 30 in Singapore means you get thmub-printed 3 times -- twice on a cool scanner thing and once in ink -- oh, make that four -- you have to do one yourself when you mail in your new ic application ...
Anyway -- at least my IC has me with the long hair. I don't think there's much difference in the way I look between the various ICs that I have ...
This is the one I made in 1991 -- when I was 17. Note the damn retro specs and ever futile attempt at a smile.
This was when I re-enlisted for NS in 1998
And the latest installment -- I look like some pasty buddha in this one -- check out the fat cheeks man and trademark greasy hair...
Ok so I've got my hair cut and collected a new pair of specs. Here's the new look:
Face like that -- not much can be done, I suppose. As long as they don't stop me at immigration and say that I'm holding on to a fake passport ...
Anyway the long hair look isn't supposed to end me up looking like one of those Taiwan Boy Band boys ... it's supposed to be "Eric Clapton in the early 90s" -- or "Nick Drake before he comitted suicide" ... pictured here:

So I asked Ms Tan -- late last night -- ok honestly -- do you ever think I'll look like that. She kinda laughed and said something about my face not having the bone structure -- ok so it's all in the face. To sort of verify this, I decided to have a look myself:

(shoot -- there's that double chin flopping around as well ...)
Well -- I suppose most people are right about that. Instead of the high cheekbones and cleft chin, I've got a somewhat mooney face. Add my normal stuporic look -- I guess the long hair just says, "drug addict", "unkempt" or "potential terrorist".
So I decided to give in -- against my better instincts -- and get a hair cut. This I did after collecting my new IC. Yes turning 30 in Singapore means you get thmub-printed 3 times -- twice on a cool scanner thing and once in ink -- oh, make that four -- you have to do one yourself when you mail in your new ic application ...
Anyway -- at least my IC has me with the long hair. I don't think there's much difference in the way I look between the various ICs that I have ...

This is the one I made in 1991 -- when I was 17. Note the damn retro specs and ever futile attempt at a smile.
This was when I re-enlisted for NS in 1998

And the latest installment -- I look like some pasty buddha in this one -- check out the fat cheeks man and trademark greasy hair...

Ok so I've got my hair cut and collected a new pair of specs. Here's the new look:

Face like that -- not much can be done, I suppose. As long as they don't stop me at immigration and say that I'm holding on to a fake passport ...
oh man mr lim you look like you wanna be a candidate for extreme makeover in the first 2 shots haha ok i'm sorry too bad e last 2 shots aren't showing up on my com.. which might be a good thing after all.. =P --huiying
Let me guess the brand of the specs...
Giacoma Puccini
GP2254 48 17-135
should be close :p
HAHA that's really funny... The entry, I mean. And perhaps also the secondary school/jcish one.
Cool new haircut though. You look fine lah... and the wavy hair thing was somewhat distinguishing before you did away with it.
Anyway... like your blog!
hey... that was some cool radical haircut man! :D you look at least 5 years younger! haha, now to justify the ic, hmmm. =) anyway, have a good trip mr lim.. study hard! :D
aaaaahhhh...mr lim!!! haha. i want to tell you that you look very good with your hair and your new specs. thank lord you went to cut it. I dont really think u should go to NY with your previous hair. haha. I am going to show aud when she comes back to the room later! two more days left. =( alright, I will see you at the airport on sunday. take good care mr lim!
hey there, mr 'mark-my-attendance-please' lim! have a safe trip, sorry i can't send you off (booking in at 9pm), thanks for the rollins induction, he's fuckin' smooth! like burgundy smooth. listening to miles davis' kind of blue right now.. perfect accompaniment for the 6.30am closure of insomnia. thought to visit your FOD as an afterthought, happy you've found a new internet home.. be sure to post interesting stuff from the land of the free, even things you think people won't understand.. ('cos i will!) *grins* Livejournal still works better for me.. most of the american intelligentsia are setting up shop there, be sure to check it out!
study hard (role-reversal heh), put up good books and reviews when you can, sorry i can't send you off, don't think i'll be missed, but before you leave just wanted to thank you for the jazz tip-offs, my respectable attendance scores, and 'the book of laughter and forgetting'. still owe you that lunch treat for the book :\ anyway, bon voyage, take care and all that jazz.
'omnia mutantur, nihil interit.'
actually you're pleasant-looking and presentable, you know. And I mean what I say. :) Anyway, I have never liked men with long hair, so well, so sorry I have to disappoint you. :) but you do look good with your hair short and new specs. :)
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