Monday, September 03, 2007

Notes on Nerves

With about four days to go before the big day -- the Oral Exams -- I'm getting a little nervous.

I've been reviewing the notes that I've taken over the last 8 months and making notes from those notes...

Sometimes, it all comes together nicely:
Melancholia: Freud: pathological because of 1. the nature of the object cathexis in the first place : not true object libido but took the object into the ego narcissistically. 2. leads to the identification that cannot de-cathect from the object: the loss object is experienced as a loss to own ego. In a sense, if we connect this to neurosis and a failure within Lacan's symbolic structure, the inability to de-cathect is a failure to find the right substitution in language (because the object is related to metonymically and can't be transformed into metaphor). The breakdown of the metaphorical system, where the absent mother of the Fort-Da game, cannot be replaced in language.
Sometimes, I wish I took better notes:
ln1785: Honor's Court -- given very rigid allegorical schema of courtly positions. The ornate allocation - complex heirarchy - again - a thinking 'back' on allegorical convention (PP?) -- but here 'done' so 'perfectly' developed. [what the hell was I thinking ...?]

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