What then, might the "proto-numerics" mean?
Consider the following transcription:
As ever - J Kyger - 20.00 - amazon used / $4.25
The "$" sign must indicate some kind of "transformation formula" that tethers the "proto-numerics" to the rest of the items on the List. Why then does "$" only occur once on this page? Perhaps that is not the right question to ask. Perhaps the question that would benefit our investigation is why it occurs at all. Did something happen in the construction of this List that caused the "Writer" to first forget what linked the "proto-numerics" to the list, recall, and thus anxiously inscribe "$" as a reminder? Is it right to say that the lone occurence of "$" does not represent the singularity but the ubiquity of the value hidden, or assumed in ALL the items on the List?
What burden of meaning and correspondence of Value does "$" carry and how are the rest of the inscriptions transformed into its terms?
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