In our discussion of the "paper notebook" we have not tried, as yet, to decipher the "meanings" or the Thought behind the inscriptions. We explained earlier that the general lack of familiarity with the stuctural interface of meaning called "Language" makes it difficult for our intended readership to appreciate how the inscriptions work as "imprints" of "'Language".
However, there are several images that use a signifying principle that we will be more famliar with. PANSHIN has traced bits of ancient code loitering the in recesses of the Network and has developed a theory that before our Systems of Numerics became as complex and multi-dimensional as they have been for at least 200 beats, there must have existed more primitive systems (6570.2). We propose that the following images contain representatives of these earlier systems:

Then, beside that boxed of column we find these inscriptions matched with the more commonly used units of "Language". Is there some kind of cipher at work here, where the value of one kind of marking turns on its ability to stand as substitute for another?
Indeed, the markings from the page facing this, scratched in with the same dark consistency, seem to bear this theory out:

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