Monday, February 04, 2002

A Modest Proposal ... heh heh - 2/4/2002

Because I cannot do something without thinking through the ramifications and rationale, I've worked out a proposal for debates in school. It's a working draft and I'll only give it to higher ups if they're interested. Still , in keeping with "YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST FOLKS" and Free Media ... and different GENREs of writing ... here it goes ...

Proposal for Sec 2 Inter-class Debates


Currently, the English department only runs inter-class Debates for Sec 4s. This brief proposes that Inter-class debates should also be organised for Sec 2s and in the long run, for Sec 3s as well.


Debates and argumentative writing

Teaching students how to debate has positive effects on their skill and confidence in handling argumentative or point of view essays. The reasons are as follows:

Debates train the clear formulation of logical arguments

The structuring of a debate case is analogous to the structure of an argumentative essay.

Debates force students to justify, substantiate and qualify their assertions.

The language of argument is applied during a debate.

Preparing for a debate requires extensive reading and research and the skills and knowledge are transferable to essays.

Debates generate an interest in reading widely about current affairs

Debates force students to consider an issue from more than one point of view.

Debates allow students to apply critiques and analysis of various arguments

Students learn how to locate flaws in reasoning and respond to them effectively.

There are other positive implications of debates on the teaching of argumentative essays. When students prepare for debates there is a higher level of motivation as there is the tangible goal of supporting the class in the effort, making speeches and winning. This element of competition helps students focus on acquiring the necessary skills.

Further, even students who do not eventually so not represent the class are drawn into the process of preparing for the debate. When they observe the skills of argument employed by their peers, there is reinforcement of the techniques taught.

A related issue: The myth that argumentative essays are difficult to write often boils down to students¡¦ lack of exposure, lack of a clear structure and the lack of confidence with language required. Allowing students to be involved in debates gives students the opportunity to practise the required skills and structures.

Also, given the ¡§scientific¡¨ nature of many RV students, the argumentative should be a clearer option rather than the narrative which requires more imaginative input. The logic and structure of argumentative essays may be a more attractive option for the students.

Pool of talent for Inter-school debates

A second reason why debates should be held at Sec 2 is the need to identify and train potential school debaters. At present, school representatives are selected from the general population in an ad-hoc manner. Holding inter-class debates, and using it as an arena to scout for talent, will be a systematic way of forming a core of debaters who can represent the school.

Further, without having experienced inter-class level debates, potential school representatives lack experience. Training has to begin from scratch and this does not give sufficient time for practice. By holding inter-class debates at Sec 2, potential debaters can be identified early enough for them to be coached for the following year's Inter-school debates.

A possible debate time-table could run like this:

End of April Sec 4 debates - This gives the Sec 2s a chance to watch a formal debate and get them interested

After mid-year exams, announcements will be made regarding Sec 2 inter-class debates in Term 3

In the June holidays, the class reps will attend a quick and simple debating workshop. Doesn't have to take very long. Just need to introduce them to the basic rules, explain some technicalities, give some pointers about developing an argument. 1 day kind of seminar.

In July :draw and assign competition & start competition

Developing a debate culture in the school

At present, the school does not have a strong debate culture. By the time students reach Upper Sec., the talented debaters are often already heavily involved in other CCAs and other kinds of competitions. This means that potentially good debaters may not even represent the school because of their other commitments. Holding Sec 2 Inter-class debates is a step towards developing a debate culture in the school by raising the profile of debating.

Secondly, by the time students reach Sec 3, their commitments in other CCAs usually become so heavy that they cannot find the time for intensive debate training / preparation even if they are talented. By identifying the students at Sec 2 and inviting them to join the debate training team, they are given an opportunity to choose their level of CCA commitment before they reach Sec 3.

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