Friday, December 25, 2009

Keeping Warm

You'd think that having transplanted to the South from the perpetual cold of Michigan, we'd be in much better shape. We got our gas bill yesterday -- $ 168 -- it said. All that for keeping this house only moderately comfortable (at 60 F). Shocked into penury, I've turned down the thermo to 50 F. We never kept our apartment in Lansing much higher than 50 F, and I guess we thought the warmer weather here would afford us the luxury of ten more degrees of warmth. Ah well, it's going to be a cold Jan and Feb. At least I don't have to chip ice off the windows.
So it's out with my trusty indoor gloves (with cutaway fingers for typing and reading) and my gigantic 18-year-old Canterbury fleece that has was first worn when the USSR was still the USSR and my beanie hat. And of course, my indoor boots: the hardwood floor's nice but it chills the toes. All this for indoor warmth in a cold house.

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