Saturday, September 02, 2006

Shamelessly Advertising

Here's a shameless advertisement.

A few of us have started a blog where we write about / analyze Singaporean politics or current affairs. I suppose this is just like the thousands of blogs that do the same. However, I maintain that the project is still important and worth everyone's while. For the following reasons:

1. The production of political discourse is for everyone. So getting into the act, no matter how late in the play, is crucial in any kind of formation of political sensibilty.

2. The typical Singaporean political blog is marked out by its cult appeal. We, on the other hand, intend to keep this blog circulating within an intimate community (ie amongst people that we already know). Yes, so to all three of you who are regular readers of this blog, welcome to that intimate community.

3. We welcome contributions. Just email me if you think you have something to write about. At the moment, there are four of us who are supposed to be regular writers (of course only two of us have posted ... ) but hey! that's the nature of spur of the moment projects, ain't it? There is almost no editorial policy (I probably will only correct very bad grammar ... but of course ...)

Anyway, here it is :

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