I can't say that I'm distraught or upset by the intrusiveness of the entries not mine. I am mildly amused -- yes -- that would be the best way to put it. I guess I'm supposed to be flattered as well. But here's the deal -- I probably would rather not be pushed around by your DAMN YANKEE arrogance. In the name of what Freedom, from what position of privilege do you demand? Believe in your pseudo-anarchisms if you must but the coercion you use, if only ever the mode of Fascist living.

A prior recording resorted to BECAUSE of a technological failure (as opposed to this moment of recording -- enabled BY the technological, layered through the Networks, extracted, publicized and socialized in a composition via technè) becomes a moment to remember how an earlier recording was a itself a hinge; a cleavage in being because of racial and social stigmatization. The "little" book speaks volumes: writing consists of marks of difference and resistance.
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