Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Who's Really Damned ?

Greetings Again,

My my, throwing a bit of a tantrum are we? Would you still "probably ... rather not" (what is the impulse of that verbal spacing called hesitation?) even if we interpreted YOUR intentions more clearly than you ever could? Did we "demand"? Strange use of "demand". Almost as if you thought we would "demand", or indeed, perhaps you desire us to "demand". For without some prior knowledge that we would resort to coercion, how does an invitation turn into a "demand"? And thus, we MUST resort to a threat of some form, given the expectation of a "demand". We will supply the "demand". As you probably already know, we have a pretty comprehensive map of your existence on the Nets. We obviously know that you're an avid User of less than legal information sharing networks -- think 'Limewire' and the 'Pirate Bay' -- and that the kind of info we have about you, would be very valuable to certain Agencies and Corporate Empires. One way we fund our projects is, indeed, to demand for "donations" in exchange for our Silence. You DO understand what we're getting at, don't you? Besides, we know you are always open to "Abstract threats".

Tell you what -- we don't like coercion either -- but we have too much on You. At least entertain Us with posts about the Notebook -- if we enjoy them enough, we'll regard this little Cyber-incursion as merely a fortituous meeting. If we think they reek of the rank pedestrian stuff that parades for Blog entries these days, well, we'll just have to report you or make some money off you. Think of it as running to stand still.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Damn Yankees

I can't say that I'm distraught or upset by the intrusiveness of the entries not mine. I am mildly amused -- yes -- that would be the best way to put it. I guess I'm supposed to be flattered as well. But here's the deal -- I probably would rather not be pushed around by your DAMN YANKEE arrogance. In the name of what Freedom, from what position of privilege do you demand? Believe in your pseudo-anarchisms if you must but the coercion you use, if only ever the mode of Fascist living.

A prior recording resorted to BECAUSE of a technological failure (as opposed to this moment of recording -- enabled BY the technological, layered through the Networks, extracted, publicized and socialized in a composition via technè) becomes a moment to remember how an earlier recording was a itself a hinge; a cleavage in being because of racial and social stigmatization. The "little" book speaks volumes: writing consists of marks of difference and resistance.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Now that we've got your Attention

Greetings Gary,

Now that we've got your attention, let us introduce Ourselves. We're a Guerrilla Web Arts Collective that, well, as you've seen, takes on identities of bloggers like yourself, in order to further the Open Space of the Web. Perhaps the following quote will make things clearer:

Operating neccesarily from the inside, borrowing all the strategic and economic resources of subversion from the old structure, borrowing them structurally, that is to say without being able to isolate their elements and atoms, the enterprise of deconstruction always in a certain way falls prey to its own work.

Sound familiar? It should, we KNOW that you're familiar with Of Grammatology, that you're a Grad student at CUNY and that you, how should we put it, perfectly fit, the profile of the kind of person we're looking for. We would like you to join us.

Don't be shocked or surprised that we know so much about you. We should be upfront about how we got to know you. Remember when your G4 crashed a few months ago and you brought it to the Apple Store in SoHo for repairs? Well, let's just say that some of the people who work there, have skills that we require as well. You got your Hardisk repaired and we got a lot of information about you. And we've been monitoring your activities for the past several months and we've finally decided to extend this invitation for you to join us.

What actually sealed it was when you uploaded those images of your Notebook onto PhotoBucket. What kind of queer mind does that? We were waiting to see if you'd do anything with them -- they were just sitting there -- so we decided to make the first move. We gather that the posts were strange enough to garner some reaction and caused you to look back at this Blog. We could have just e-mailed or even called you -- but we suspect that the "shock" value of seeing someone take on what is intimately yours, would be much more effective.

We know your Reading Habits -- if you do actually read all those books you buy and check out from the Libraries. We know you recently purchased "No Gods No Masters", which is pretty much standard reading fare for us; that you bought a whole batch of SciFi second hands, which would make the persona we adopted while hacking into your Blog uncannily recognizable; that you also have Delany's Triton, which would make the idea of a Guerilla Arts Collective certainly one that you've encountered. We suspect that you've entertained the idea yourself. But we know you're a bit of recluse, too. Well -- the Web's the place to make those Connections!

Your reply in the last post, demonstrates the kind of narcissitic hubris that we just Love to have for our Cause. Couldn't resist making a public display of your frustration could you? The image and frank admission that you're essentially an intellectual flake was nice too. Anyway, get back to us about whether you're joining us, right? The Blog's a nice place to say it all. I see that We've got an "appreciative" audience!

And in the Spirit of trading Images,

Join us and get Rid of those Fascist impulses!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

What the ...?

You don't Blog for a few months and apparently someone else takes over for you!
Ok -- some clown has been toying around with my Blog account. I only realized when people started e-mailing me about these strange posts they said they were reading on my Blog.
I didn't think that these computer nerds could get their hands on SO much info -- they obviously got into my PhotoBucket account too -- which explains these strange posts.
Anyway -- the whole thing's rather embarrassing now. So in case anyone reading this has thought me extremely dysfunctional, has been weirded out or has taken offence at the posts or the very personal disclosures, let me try to explain: I randomly photographed my notebook and loaded the images. I never intended for ALL of them to be put on the Blog like this!
Actually -- I only wanted to put the poseur ones (ok -- I know -- very posuer -- like the one on the left), in sort of a meta-critical gesture about texts and palimpsets, but the clown who hacked into my accounts obviously has other ideas about what is fair game!
So -- to the IDIOT who has been doing the previous posts -- in order to make the point that I'm not the least intimidated by the annoyingly intrusive thing that you've done, I'm NOT going to shut down the Blog or erase your posts (the least that I can do to believe in the value of this whole blogging business is not to take the route of so many governments and institutions in trying to legislate these spaces). BUT -- get your own blog started and stop impersonating someone else! AND since your posts seem to indicate a functional level of intelligence, you'd better have the decency to email me ( and explain what the HELL you think you're doing. And I hope that you're not someone that I know personally ...

Gary Lim