Friday, June 22, 2007

A Paragraph At the End of a Tale

"Shukumar stood up and stacked his plate on top of hers. He carried the plates to the sink, but instead of running the tap he looked out the window. Outside the evening was still warm, and the Bradfords were walking arm in arm. As he watched the couple the room went dark, and he spun around. Shoba had tuned the lights off. She came back to the table and sat down, and after a moment Shukumar joined her. They wept together, for the things they now knew."

Jhumpa Lahiri, Interpreter of Maladies


Luna said...

What a beautiful paragraph... Although I have no idea what the book is about, I can feel for the protagonist.

Thank you Mr Gary Lim.

Gong Yue

gary said...

Hey Gong Yue, how's it going. You must be in the Univ. now -- just finished A levels last year, right? The book's a great read -- it's a collection of short stories that are extremely insightful and poignant. I'm sure there are copies available at any National Library branch. Take care!

Luna said...

Haha I definitely can rely on you for book recommendations. :) yeap big As are over, and I'm currently enrolled in the University of Melbourne, doing a veterinary science course. It'll take me 5 long years so...
Hope life has been good so far? Take care!

gary said...

Vet Science! Hey -- that's really an interesting field of study. Edna would be so envious of you cause that's what she really wanted to do after her As (though her tremendous empathy for animals probably wouldn't make her a very effective vet ...) I've been to our vets here a lot, with our puppy and everything, and yeah, the world needs some good ones. All best!