Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Promoting Explicit Political Views

Read this most strange report on Channel News Asia:


about the prohibition of PROMOTING political views: "Dr Balaji added that individual bloggers can discuss politics, but have to register with the Media Development Agency if they persistently promote political views."

The complete failure (refusal or inability?) to recognize the multiple ironies inherent in presenting an overtly ideological position as non-political "policy", once again has me in wondering about who lives in an alternate reality.

For my part -- here's a link to an implicitly impolitic media clip that isn't being promoted on this non-political blog about food production -- here's the Chee Soon Juan "when you hear this, I will be in prison" clip (which of course, is also worth listening to now because he was in and is now out ...) -- must listen -- how often does one get references to Winston Churchill, a strange political-analogical reading of "The Three Little Pigs" (featuring the "Wolf of Despotism"), the "national lie", biblical overtones ("As I sit in prison, I ask for your prayers, but more importantly ...) and of course, much alliteration ("taunts and torments" / "feeble facade"). For stuff like that from the PAP, need to wait for crisis like SARS (check out Ng Eng Hen's strange extended metaphor on the "war" against SARS near the bottom of the page ....) I hope this doesn't sound like I'm mocking a politician here -- afterwards Opposition sue me .... Check it out -- the Man is worth listening to ...

It doesn't often get better than this ...

So now got 6 links to the clip on one page ... does that mean I'm promoting explicitly political views?


Anonymous said...

haha unfortunately i think that could very well fall within the scope of the words - havent been tested in court though. seems like they're just scaring bloggers, since blogging has become a popular means of dissing the govt.. heh.. =)

good to see u've updated again, thought the yankees scared u off.

gary said...

Hello! Doesn't "testing in court" (in Singapore at least) merely mean ANOTHER highly publicized victory for the men and white AND their lawyers (who are usually PAP MPs too?)