the end of a day that's been run off routinely sounds like a note held too long, one that puffs right at the end, struggling to pitch precisely but faltering ever so slightly.
Nothing neat comes out after reaching in too deeply - running off in all directions I guess - before I catch up with myself. I'm looking here there everywhere - and standing on the margins/ a sidewalk existence, not quite stepping onto the road, watching - more likely fearing the rush of the on-coming cars. I wait for the Green Man. I've waited for him all my life you know. I've got a whole bull-shit philosophy about the Green Man and only crossing when he pops out and starts his digital count down. You know, way back when I was in sec. school and the AYE wasn't too developed yet and there was a traffic light across the slip road from the expressway, turning into clementi avenue 6, I could swear that the Green Man would blink for the longest time. So that coming in from the MRT station and walking home I could watch the Green Man appear, buy an ice cream from the Mama Shoppe and still make it across the road. 29 times I believe that Green Man blinked. Now it's just a damn long overhead bridge and I'm too lazy to walk in from the MRT anyway. But I've been running home in the rain - as if that compares to the insistence and the deliberation of planning your route so you have a snack in hand earphones and a book while walking walking home.
I don't mind running in the rain once in the while. Perhaps it beats standing in the rain and waiting for the Green Man.

Haha that's quite amusing... I don't notice, since most roads are the same to me with or without the green man appearing... [Grandioso]
=D [public_prosecutor]
provoking thoughts.. =)) [i||uXioN]
In a while - 11/23/2003
I've been studying. Yes yes mock me if you will but it's hard work after not doing it for a long time. Took a month to prepare for my GREs - which are a souped up version of the SATs - which are required for Grad School in the US. The interesting thing about the exam is that it's a CAT - Computer Adaptive Test. That means that the questions adapt to your responses. Which means that if you're doing "well" the questoins get tougher and tougher (the system is set up so that you can't skip - you need to just guess if you don't know and move on). Anyway - it was a real polishing up for the math - after so long - could hear the rusty math gears in my head creak when I tried to solve problems - obviously making matters worse is the fact that the GRE is made up of tricky math ...
Am NOW studying for the GRE Lit exam (which is pretty much like a bloody triva quiz) - 230 MCQ questions on Lit. And it isn't even about your ability to be CHIM and to understand complex passages - it's more like "here's two lines of poetry" - who wrote it? Or "What was the year the poem was written in ..." or "what does it in the poem refer to?" And you can't always tell from the style cause the answers are very similar - they'll like have Wordsworth, Coleridge, Keats and Shelley all as answer choices ... so you have to know ... it's a real humbling experience to try the test - after years to reading and reading about reading, there's still so much I don't know - still so much to know!
gd luck~ [É÷÷\]
Can lah, your literature is manly.
As for the math, I understand. And so does the rest of our faculty.
Good luck! [Grandioso]
And indeed there will be time
To wonder, °∞Do I dare?°± and, °∞Do I dare?°±
all e best! [psst]
all the best mr lim! hope you're happy and healthy [public_prosecutor]
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